Monday, September 30, 2013

I Will Be Staying

Hello Everyone,
      So, Elder Brimhall and I had a pretty good week.  On Monday we came up to Durban (I’m here again this week) for an activity with our zone at our mission president's house.  We played games and braaied (editors note: I couldn't figure out this word.) and did other things and watched a movie (Saints and Soldiers).  The best part however was that, since the mission home is in Westville and Westville was a part of Pinetown area boundaries, Elder Brimhall and I drove to my old area in Pinetown that night to visit some of the members there.  I can tell you, the joy of being reunited with those members was greater than most joy I normally feel.  I didn’t really know how much of an impact I had on them while I served there, but from them they made it apparent that it was big. The bishop’s wife mentioned how high of a spiritual note I left them on.  I was also able to visit Clara and mama mthembu (mama was less active and Clara was baptized while I was there).  Again, pure joy.
      Then on Tuesday we had interviews with President Zackrison.  He is very, very pleased and happy with the way things are going in Margate.  He said a lot of good things to me, but to avoid my head from swelling I have filed them away in the recesses of my mind.  I will be staying in Margate one more transfer, which I am very happy about, and there is a possibility that he will keep me there the rest of my mission.  We talked about that possibility, and I would definitely be ok with it.  Margate is in its crucible right now.  The chapel is just about finished.  Its estimated time of completion is December fourteenth.  For 56 years this branch has waited for a chapel of their own, and they are finally getting it.  I’m just grateful as of now to have been apart of the paving of the foundation (in a spiritual sense) for this great change.
      You should know that I know that we have done our best, and will continue to do our best.  The Lord is pleased with us, and though we do have areas of improvement, he is happy with what we are doing.
      We didn’t see Gunner D. this week, but we will see him next.  We saw Cecelia and her husband Vaughn.  Vaughn got into some anti-Mormon literature on the internet, and raised many concerns with us.  He also was prepared to give back the Book of Mormon.  But, while in that lesson I saw the spirit work through us and touch his heart.  As we explained certain doctrines, taught and testified more of the restoration, his shell and spikes melted off, and he offered himself the challenge to finish the Book of Mormon.  Cecelia did not, but we still love her nonetheless.
      On Sunday we had a very successful church service.  I was badly sick for a few days prior, and even into Sunday, but when I went to deliver my talk, I felt a renewal of my body, and the spirit spoke through me.  I spoke on loving one another.  I used John 13, where Christ washes His disciple's feet then giving them a "New Commandment" to love one another.  I pondered deeply over that chapter as I prepared and thought about how the Savior must have felt, sitting with His apostles, knowing what was about to happen to Himself, and the persecution that they would also eventually face.  That commandment to love one another could not have come at a more crucial time, for in the dark night that was about to come, they needed the light of His love to carry them through.
      I love my Savior and all He has done for me.  I love His people, and I love His work.  I love you, stay strong.

Elder Gold

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