Monday, September 16, 2013

Can You See the Light in His Eyes???

Hey Dad,

      I'll write to you today as well as the rest of the clan.  We had a good week with a healthy mix of success, mystery, disappointment, happiness, and a baptism.

      So, starting a week or so ago; It was Elder Brimhall’s birthday on the 5th and a member made him a Sponge Bob cake.  It was nothing short of awesome!  Actually, I suggested it to the
member behind my companions back.  He thinks I’m nuts for how much I like Sponge Bob.  Lets hope he doesn’t see you in your Sponge Bob pajamas.

      Also, the previous week we began teaching another family.  Trying to say this in the nicest way possible, the lady is the coldest woman I’ve met on my mission thus far.  In our first 30-second interaction I asked her name. "Cecelia!"(obviously I’ve make her name anonymous) She continued by saying, "it comes from the Bible, if you know anything about the Bible."  "Oh, I’ve not heard it before."  I replied, "What part in the bible?"  She retorted, "That is the stupidest question I’ve heard!"  But, she allowed us to speak to her and her husband, accepted the Book of Mormon, but proudly said we need to pray really hard if we want to get her into any church... Well that week she came :) So then came this last week, and we taught them again, the whole time while holding our breath for fear of revilement. Then lo and behold, who walks into church yesterday???  I brightly smiled at her and her husband.  We will see how this pans out.

      So, now let me tell you about the baptism.  It was a huge success.  We had it at a member’s home; and most of the active members came to support him, including his family.  We had a nice service on the veranda over looking the yard, which over looks the luscious jungle
abroad.  The Oerhlerking Family (whose house we were at and who sent mom the photos of us at the game park) have a lot of wild life on there property too, such as horses and dogs, ducks, geese and a plethora of exotic birds in a huge atrium.  Anyways, the service was so nice.  We have the best members in the church here.  After the young man was baptized, he was so full of light.  It was a confirmation to me and an answer to my prayers that he will grow into a strong and steadfast priesthood holder and member.  I’ve included a picture of him after his baptism.  
Can you see the light in his eyes???

     Well, its now time to work (or time to continue to work) and find those others who will enter in at the gate.

I love you all,

Elder Gold.

P.S.  Mom, I got some "babies" from Gina, Jean Pierre's wife, so now I will have yogurt of my own to make.  :)   Also she is helping me to sprout.

Editor’s Note:  As you most likely have figured out that the ‘babies’ Landon’s talking about are yogurt cultures used to grow your own yogurt.  Also, the sprouting process he refers to is a process for sprouting seeds, nuts and grains.  It is nice to see that, regardless of Landon being on the other side of the world, he is gravitating back to the dietary ways he was raised with.

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