Monday, September 23, 2013

Events, Movements & Impressions

      Its funny how each week I sit down to write you, and the same things come to mind... i.e. investigators, finding, teaching etc.  On paper it seems that our weeks don’t really change, but in thinking about each event, movement and impression, I know they are very different.

      So, as far as people I have told you about: That Afrikaans guy who we had an amazing first lesson with us a few weeks ago has been hard to get a hold of.  Finally Elder Brimhall and I decided to take the drive to where he stays (which is a little far).  Upon getting there we found him outside and this time he was a little less excited to see us.  He told us how he read bits of our book and just can’t find it in him to continue because it’s just not what he grew up with.  We talked as best as the spirit allowed, and testified, and he asked us to give him time to read for himself.  I’m not sure that he will, but I know we did all we could for this family.

      To me it is interesting how our message and the Book of Mormon work in people’s lives.  I sometimes think that if we were to give someone a novel and tell them how great a novel it is, I think most people would make a little time to read it.  Yet, when we give them a book which testifies of He who is the center of THEIR faith, teaches morals and principles that THEY hold dear, and brings more peace, more answers, and more joy that THEY are looking for, they take it to be a thing of naught and dismiss it.

      When we set up our table in front of markets or stores, and put out our little "Searching For Happiness?" sign, we either get "found it!" or "don’t need it.”  When we say we have a very important message about Jesus Christ and His love for us, they say, "I know him" and walk on.  We have learned to find humor in it, but really it is interesting.

      Still, there are those who do receive us.  Remember Cecelia?  Well last Sunday she was offended by someone at church and left in a huff.  Tuesday night we took the Branch President there to see if we could help her.  She didn’t want to talk about it so we didn’t.  Instead we taught about the fall of Adam and Eve.  Cecelia made the claim that the "fruit" was actually a man that eve did the deed with.  A ridiculous claim yes, and we showed her in a respectful way that that is not true.  Remember how brash she is, and how we are always walking on egg shells around her?  Well, she refused it until her husband (who she seems to dominate) spoke up.  Vaughn put us to flight with his boldness.  He turned to his wife and said that doctrine is of the devil and who ever taught it to her was NOT inspired of God, but was evil.... I thought, "I'd rather be in Syria right now than in this house.  This is going to be the start of World War III."  Surprisingly, she took it, and we moved on.  But, as far as we can tell, he is receiving of the truth.

      We also found Bailey and Maureen earlier this week.  Upon our second visit, Maureen (Bailey’s Wife) told us that she read the restoration pamphlet, and did as it said; which was pray.  She then told us that she was caught up in a very spiritual vision where she was brought before the presence of a higher being.  I wont give any more details, but she, and we, knew that God had indeed answered her prayer.  They accepted baptism, but there will still be some things to overcome.

      Faith in Christ and our message is what carries us.  We don’t have faith in the people we teach, but our faith remains in the Rock of our foundation, and that is the kind of faith we need to have in this work.

      I shared last week about Lwandile's baptism.  On Sunday he was confirmed.  There was also the baptism of a child of record after church.  After the service, the former Branch President Jean - Pierre brought us up front and presented to the branch our desire to have five more baptisms in his pool before the new chapel is complete in December.  We have the support of the members, and are working harder and harder with them.  I can tell you, I wont be leaving this transfer.  The Lord doesn’t want me to.  Its been confirmed to me and my companion as well as President.  I don’t know how long I will be here, but it is where the Lord wants me.

I love you; keep faith in Christ, not in people.

Elder Gold

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