Hey Mom!
So, These last 3 days I’ve
been confined to the house and my bed. I
was pretty sick with a high fever and headaches and things, but nothing too
serious. I am recovering now.
I emailed Dad what I
would normally email you, so sorry for the short one this time. I’m about out of time but I want you to know
that I am well, and working hard, and making you a proud momma :)
With my Love … All of it,
Your son,
Elder Gold
Hey Dadio!
Happy Late
Fathers Day!! It was a surprise to hear
in church yesterday that it was Fathers Day. I guess my only excuse is that I’ve just kind
of been pulled out of the earth for a time. It’s crazy to think that I have absolutely no
idea what is going on in the world around, but it doesn’t quite matter cause
its not nearly as important as what’s going on in the heavens above. Or maybe I
should say a combination of the two is most important.

about those baptisms. There are two
candles of glimmering hope in our area. I’ll
tell you about them just now. But man,
the converts aren’t coming, neither are the consistent investigators. Ayesh it’s rough, but I can’t be disappointed
in my companion or myself because we are doing nearly all we can.
These last
weeks I have been praying for many things, one of which was that the Lord would
deliver us to them, or them to us. Being
those who are pure in heart, prepared, and ready to accept the gospel. Well, on Tuesday one of those people found us.
A man named Thadeus asked us for a
Mormon bible. He said he had been
receiving emails from The Church News for some time and wanted this Mormon
bible. We got his address and went to
see him a few hours later. We discovered
that this man had been SEARCHING for truth for over 40 years. After we recounted the restoration and gave
him the Book of Mormon, he was speechless and seemingly overwhelmed. He eventually said that this is what he has been
looking for all this time. The spirit
was there. We are excited to continue on
with this man. I know God has prepared
him and delivered him to us for a purpose.
We will do all we can to fulfill our duty to God and this man.
are two young people living together named Simon and San. They
have taken us on a roller coaster for sure. They have one child together, a 4-month-old
girl. San KNOWS the
church and gospel are true. She wants to
be baptized. Simon, well he is a joker
at times, but I haven’t really lost faith in him.
So, for
about a month and a half we haven’t been compelled to bring up chastity, even
though it was always on our minds. Last
week I realized why. He opened up one evening and told of a spiritual experience
he had at church the week before, about how he and San need to be married
because it is a sin for them not to be. It was powerful and brought so much joy to me.
They are going to go to Joburg to get
her father's permission so they can be married in two weeks. After that Simon will be working towards
So, those
are the two candles in our life at this point. I pray they turn into roaring fires.
I wish I
could email for hours. I would tell you
sooo much more, but time doesn’t permit. I love you so much Dad. Keep up the awesome work :)
Your Son,
Elder Gold
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