Monday, December 9, 2013

"Why Would You Cry?"

      On Tuesday morning we received a phone call from Africa.  Hearing Landon's voice on the other end of the line instantly sent the warning signs up that something had happened even before he uttered the words that all is well.  The following post is of the course of events that followed an injury that happened while playing soccer on an outdoor basketball court.  Though the body may be weak, at times, the spirit can be made strong.  Here is the example of such strength.

Hey family,
      I read all your emails just now.  I know mom wants details about my hand. let me give you a rundown of the week.

      So, I went into surgery this day.  I had a really nice anesthesiologist that put me under.  They did arthroscopic surgery and, by the looks of it, there were four entry points.  They put in two thick steel wires that have anchored my thumb bone to my forefinger bone.  The wires protrude out of my hand and I'll send you some photos.  I remember coming back to consciousness and my hand hurt like a fried booger!  I guess the fact that there are so many nerves in the hand aided in my pain.  I was telling the nurse but had a hard time communicating and hearing since I was only half out of it.  I remember the nurse keep telling me the pain was in my head.  Finally, in frustration, I told her, "the pain isn’t in my head, it's in my hand!"  I thought that was pretty funny.  They ended up giving me 4 pain killers, 3 injections, and 1 oral, none of which took even the edge off.  I guess I have a really high pain tolerance.  I spent the rest of the day sleeping at the Carliles (the senior couple from Utah serving in Bloemfontein).

      I ended up going home with my companion to sleep in my bed, but couldn't really sleep.  On
Wednesday morning I went back to the Carliles and spent the day there again, sleeping and chatting with Sister Carlile.  We went out in the afternoon for Sister Carlile to teach a piano lesson, then went back home.  I was still in a lot of pain and the ibuprofen they gave me at the hospital didn't do anything, so I was given some loratab.  I think the loratab did me worse than better.  I hardly slept that night, and the few minutes I did, I had some crazy dreams.
      The first dream: The zone was here in Bloemfontein at one of the malls.  It was empty and we were not sure what to do.  In a cloud, President Von Stetten materialized, dressed like General Robert E Lee, or Ulysses S. Grant (basically dressed for the civil war).  He started commanding us and gave us all muskets.  He divided us up into two groups facing each other, then declared war.  Shots started whizzing and elders started falling as we were shooting at each other.  Finally, someone came to their senses and shot Von Stetten and the fighting stopped... Weird eh?

      I spent another day with the Carliles. still not feeling well.  We ran around town preparing for a meeting later that day.  Elder Cook from the area seventy was on a mission tour and came to Bloem for a zone conference (Friday) but had a meeting Thursday with the return missionaries in the stake.  I went to that meeting.  It was  ok.  I didn't pay much attention though.  After a while Elder Carlile took me to the hospital to get my hand checked out.  My hand is basically numb over the top knuckles, and we didn't think that was normal.  They said there were probably nerves damaged during surgery.  They never said if it would heal.  Hope it does.

      Didn't sleep again the previous night, so stopped taking the loratab.  We had our Zone Conference this day.  We started with a leadership meeting in the morning with the President, Elder Cook, the Zone Leaders from two zones, and the District Leaders.  Then, we went to the ACTUAL conference itself.  I was worried because I felt that I was not spiritually prepared for it; I was tired, in pain, uncomfortable with the stiffness of my hand.  However, I felt the tender mercies of the Lord as the spirit lifted me up and I was able to take away a lot from the conference.  Afterwards we went home and I slept and rested one more day.

Saturday and Sunday:
      I was back in the area.  The area was impacted due to our absence, and we are going to rework our approach.  Tracting is not working, nor are other related finding methods.  We are implementing (under the direction of President Z., the Stake President, and Elder Cook) 100% correlation of efforts with the ward.  There are also big, big plans for the stake.  Through our very inspired stake president - President Grobler, and also the Area Seventy, they are making plans . . . very big plans!  I can't really do justice to the plan in an email with one hand, but it is big, and feasible.  It’s all coming from the Lord too, and we are at the leading edge of it.  We are going to lay the best foundation we can.
      So, that was my week.  I bought my companion a camera for Christmas, in case you wonder about that transaction.  His broke a month ago and he doesn't have enough to buy a new one.  Anyway, I love you guys.  I am looking forward to this coming week.

Elder Gold 

Editor’s Note: 
Landon's Reply: 
  This is Landon's response to my reaction after seeing photos of his hand after the surgery (I'll spare you all from seeing them).  I said to him, "Oh, this brings tears to my eyes."
Landon:  "Why would you cry?  I'm gaining so much more than I could ever lose from it. I didn't mention the spiritual experiences attached to this challenge but, they are great. Interestingly enough, my heart is swelling with love for those around me, and I’m not sure why.  I had a very tender moment at the chapel on Thursday where I felt love swelling in my heart so much that I felt for a moment it was a glimpse of the love God has for us, a pure unconditional love.  Again, I can't describe it well, but there are many things I am learning.  It is even forcing me to forget more about myself :)  I'll take this challenge any day.

Dad's perspective: 
 This is what Landon's father wrote when he learned about the details of the surgery, referring to the photo above of Landon raising his hand.  The words below parallel Helaman's Stripling Warriors found in Alma 57 in The Book of Mormon.
The picture of him holding his arm up reminds me that he is our Stripling Warrior. Ain’t nothing gonna defeat that kid…
“Yea, and Landon did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea and even according to his faith is was done unto him; and I did remember the words which he said unto me that his mother had taught him… that if he did not doubt, God would deliver him… and behold, to my great joy, he had not fallen to earth; yea, and he had fought as if with the strength of God; yeah never was a man known to have fought with such miraculous strength, and with such mighty power… and it came to pass that he did faint because of loss of blood, and dog bites, and spine problems, and broken bones; nevertheless, according to the goodness of God, and to our great astonishment, and also the joy of our whole family and friends, he did not perish even though he did receive many wounds”
Just wind him up and send him back in for the last quarter.

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