Monday, September 24, 2012

Straightened Up and Walked With the Best Posture I Could

Hey Ya Fam Bam!

So two and a half stories this week:

Story 1

      Thursday night my lower back imploded on me.  I got a blessing from my companion as soon as I could.  Man, the pain wasn’t fun!  I had to lie on the floor for most of the next morning (maybe 4 hours or so) before I thought more of the people we needed to go see than of me.  Then, I went through Friday with heightened pain.  I went to the chemist and got some muscle relaxers because I thought the pain was from tightened muscles, but it wasn’t.  The pain medications didn’t really help.

      Honestly, it was just a normal thing for this guy (me) with a grandpa's back.  I wouldn’t have been disappointed about it in the least except for one thing.  On Saturday our community was hosting a 10K fun run.  We got permission a few weeks back to participate, and honestly, I was really looking forward to doing it.  But based on the fact that I could hardly walk the 30 feet to our car confirmed that I wasn’t going to be able to.

      I’ve heard it said that, “What’s important to you is important to the Lord.”  So I thought I would just let Him know that I was looking forward to the run.  However, I had decided I wasn’t going to participate, and that was it.  The other Elders, who had also prepared to race, were still excited to run.  Friday night I prayed, and then fell asleep.  On Saturday morning, the day of the run, I woke up early to do some studying.  My condition had improved to some degree, as it usually does with time, but I was still in no condition to run.  In those early hours I had two thoughts: The voice of my momma saying, "Lack of movement creates lack of movement,” and the second thought I had was to just DO IT.

      Against everything, . . . I decided to run!  They say that smiling even when you are not happy inside can actually make you happy.  I thought that maybe it would be the same with my back.  I put on a smile, straightened up, walked with the best posture I could and got ready for the race.

      After we arrived at the race and took care of everything, we went to the starting line.  There were a lot of people (maybe more than 100), many of whom were very well prepared.  Thinking of my own preparation, I had realized that I had ran only once during the last three weeks.  No excuses, just the busy life of a missionary.

      We started the run.  I kept a consistent and good pace, soon forgetting about the pain.  With each individual I passed I felt stronger and healthier.  Pretty soon the crowed had spread out and I knew I was closer to the front than the back of the pack.  Six kilometers down and I was feeling good.  Keeping my pace. Seven, great!  Eight, and I had passed a few more guys.  After the ninth kilometer I was on a runners high.  I felt light as air and was moving faster than I thought I had strength.  Shooting through the finish line I found out that I was in twelfth place and had run the 10k in just over 40 minutes.  Since crossing that finish line (almost two days later) the only pains I have are the sore muscles in my legs. HOW MERCIFUL IS MY FATHER?!  Oh, so Merciful and Loving!


Story 2

      After the run we were heading to our area.  We had four missionaries in the car as well as a member who participated and was going to be teaching with the other elders for the day.  The road we take is a two lane national highway through the rural country.  As we were about 10 kilometers from the other elder’s area a very nice suv pulled up behind us.  In it were three large men.  They suddenly began to pass us on the highway then stopped half way so they were right next to us.  They were yelling out of the car at us but we couldn’t hear what they were saying.  They pulled in front and signaled for us to pull over.  I was driving and had noticed the license plate said GP, which meant they were from Johannesburg.  Jo Burg isn’t a nice place.  They hit the brakes forcing us to slow down.  I tried to veer around them but they blocked the road.  We were stopped and they got out of the car.  They were HUGE and angry.  I looked in the mirror; saw no one coming from behind or front, and my instincts told me to reverse so that’s what I did.  I quickly flipped the car around and drove another way to the area.  Everyone was pretty confused and a little shaken.  Being very aware of who was around us in-case we met up with those guys again we dropped the guys off and drove to our area.  We then went to the Chapel for a meeting and as we got out of the car, that very same car pulled into the parking lot.  I was honestly scared as they approached us, until they reached out their hands.  They apologized and let us know who they were; A couple of return missionaries who served here seven years-ago.  They were just pulling a joke.  Well we laughed.  I thought it was funny.  Elder Fokuo didn’t, but it was a good experience.

1/2 Story

      Bayo and Kutloano were confirmed members of the church today. Very Sweeeeet :)

      So, Mission President just informed me that I’ll be training a new missionary these next two transfers.  I’m super excited and am glad for the responsibility.  It’s gonna be nice.

I love you family.

      Elder Gold

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