Monday, November 12, 2012

A Remarkable Promise

Hey Guys, this will be to all of you.

      I read all your letters, and I love the diversity.  It’s so good to hear that there is peace on earth.  As Dad says, “Backing down isn’t a sign of weakness, but of strength.  Or in other words, “Humility isn’t a sign of weakness, but of spiritual strength.”

      Dad, that was some very interesting findings about Isaiah (a great Hebrew Prophet whose writings are found in the Bible and the Book of Mormon).  I also found some interesting things about the Book of Mormon this week while listening to a talk by Gene R. Cook.  Look it up, it will blow you away.  But my biggest question and concern is this: Dad did you ask your friend if he has read the book, and if not, did you invite him to do so?  Brigham Young said that if all the eloquence and talent for public speaking were presented to him to convince him of the Book of Mormon it would have gone up like smoke only to vanish.  But when he saw a man without eloquence bare testimony, it was more powerful than anything else could have been, and the spirit witnessed the truth of it to him through that simple man’s testimony.  I imagine it the same with the Book of Mormon.  “The spirit will not testify of superficiality "as Elder Holland has said.  But it will testify of the truth.  I’m not saying any of this against you and your approach; I’m just having a fun time expressing my feelings on conversion through the Book of Mormon.  The Book of Mormon is saturated with the spirit, and if the reader puts sincerity into his heart, the spirit will manifest the truth unto him.  I've tried to "convince" people with my existing knowledge of worldly facts of the book and have exhausted my breath with no avail.  But, to one man last week we opened and read the first chapter of Nephi after I was exhausted from explanation.  This hardened man’s heart melted away as he looked up from the pages and said, "Something has illuminated me like a light inside, and I understand.”  Nothing short of the spirit :)

      Well, that’s my sermon.  I love the Book Of Mormon!  And I know by the power of God and his Spirit that it is TRUE.

      So, if you guys were to hear me laugh, you would think it was dad in the room. I’m turning more and more into him.  :p  It’s a nice reminder of my loving parents. So, whenever he laughs most awkwardly, just know that I’m doing and sounding the same here in Africa.

I love you guys.  Keep it up!  I’m so proud to be a Gold.

Elder Landon Taylor Gold

Editor's Note:

       After reading Landon's letter I set out to find the article he made reference to and on the
quest I ran into some very interesting facts that should help you to better understand the how, where and why the Book of Mormon actually existsFirst off, I found out that currently it's fully published in 82 languages and partial translations have been done with an additional 25 languages.  Wow, I was unaware that so many different languages actually exist.  I was intrigued by the fact that it really is going forth to all the nations and that many are now able to read it in their native tongue.  If you wish to better understand exactly what the Book of Mormon is, click on the following link and it will direct you to a site the church has made available.  Its content will help you to quickly filter through the fallacies and get directly to the truth of The Book of Mormon.

      I also have read the talk that Landon gives reference to.  It was published back in April 1994 in the periodical, The Ensign, and is worth the read if you are interested in seeing what Elder Gene R. Cook has to say about "a remarkable promise to those seeking knowledge of the truth." He talks of "a process we can each go through every time we wish to have eternal truth confirmed," and lays out the simple steps taught by an ancient prophet who helped bring these writings to our present day.  This article titled 'Moroni's Promise' gives reference to a scriptural promise inspiring others to know for themselves.  See what Moroni's Promise has for you and don't be surprised if you find a key to knowing.....really knowing truth unfeigned.

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