Monday, November 19, 2012

Joy in Afflictions & Beauty We Can Find There


Hello My Dear Momma,

      I want to write you today and tell you how grateful I am for you!  I thank God often in my prayers for my amazing family and remarkable mother.  Distance does make the heart grow fonder.  I often have blurbs flash into my memory of you, of the amazing qualities you have, of the timeless treasures you have taught me that help me every week, and much more.  I often tell stories about you or say, "my mom taught me this" or "my mom did this" in our teaching appointments. I want you to know with all your heart, that your son loves you with all of his.

      Over the past few months I’ve had many challenges that test and try me, and some that just waste me.  I don’t tell you guys most of them because 1) it would take way too long, and 2) it forces me to rely on my Heavenly Father for strength and guidance (though I always do and will continue to rely on you guys).  One thing, out of many, that I have come to an understanding about is this; There is so much beauty in our afflictions, trials, and challenges of faith.  Think about it this way: the Lord chastens those whom He loves.  He is all seeing and knows what He wants us to become and where He wants us to go.  If you look at the current position or place of a great man or woman or child of God, it’s amazing, how, behind each individual, is a long stream of turmoil that bent and shaped that individual. 

      We are taught to find joy in the journey (at least I have been).  I don’t know really how to best explain the joy in afflictions or the beauty we can find there, but I can say this: to anyone who can change their perspective, they too can see trials of faith or afflictions as something that is beautiful, and will tap into and enter a new world with brilliant technicolor.  I bare testimony that it’s true.  I know the Lord loves me because He is challenging me and stretching me.

      I would ask you to include in the blog post this week a ‘Mormon Message’ that focuses on a talk given by Elder D. Todd Christofferson.  In his talk he tells about an experience Hugh B. Brown had with a current bush.  I really wish for all to watch it because this message sums up my testimony.

I love you mom, So very much.

Your Son,
Elder Landon T. Gold

Editor’s Note:

            I struggled with including the first paragraph of his letter in the blog of fear that others may see the choice to include it as bragging or boastful.  My prideful self wishes to remove it, however, my encouraging self realizes that it should remain to give others hope that what they are doing as parents will someday be appreciated.  Most importantly, what I wish for you to understand is that those good things you do for your children will eventually be emulated through who they become and what they choose to give back to their families and this world.  My hope has always been that my children’s lives would be a reflection of all things good while giving them the skills to be able to cast off (not holding onto) the bad.  As a parent I did many things wrong of which I’ve prayed would not define what my children would become.   I still feel infantile in my personal growth and development; however, it has been through the years and challenges of being entrusted as guardian to two amazing children that I have gained a deeper sense of self (and continue to be humbled by those challenges).  For nothing I have done as a mother could ever measure up to what has been given me in return.  For this I am GRATEFUL!
There is a wonderful video found at titled 'The Will of God.' It is an amazing story of the importance of being willing to be cut down in order for us to grow to our greatest potential. 

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