Monday, November 11, 2013

Climbing The Monster Mountain

Hey Family,

      This week was undoubtedly a good one, as are they all.  On Monday we hiked that monster
mountain I had told you about.  We estimated it to be around a 6-mile hike, and it was absolutely beautiful.  The mountain just sticks out of the Free State high desert like a sore thumb.  It rises nearly all at once and is a fairly wide mountain (maybe 2-miles wide).  The mountain front that faces north sweeps up and gets very steep.  We started our hike on the right side and traversed our way left.  There was a VERY large fence just on the ridge that prevented us from traversing on the more even top of the mountain, so we stayed on the steep side.  Eventually we pushed far enough to get to the other side of the mountain where it opened up to a plateau on the top with a massive rock cliff at the very end.  The plateau was amazing.
  There was green grass extending to the edges of the mountain’s steep drops.  On the plateau
there were five large rock features lined up along the out edge of the plain.  They were perfect granite features for climbing, and each were anywhere from 80 to 100 feet in height.  Really, they were a temptation.  The hike down after everything was steep and rough, but eventually we made it to the dry Serengeti plain at the bottom.  It really made me feel like we are in Africa.

      Then, on Tuesday, my companion and I held a ZTM (Zone Training Meeting).  I think I mentioned it last week, but anyway, it was another spiritual outpouring impart because a lot of the elders were prepared, and secondly
because we did not do a stand and present, but rather modeled the teaching [as I told you about with Elder Bednar’s address].  I learned quite a bit more about the price of spirituality, and I can say it is an ever-increasing fine line.  But, as you get there, the balance just seems to come.

      Well, the Lord is still blessing us in our area, as we continue finding people that are progressing.  Remember, I told you last week about Fabian, the guy who we met while fixing a car, and then he just showed up to church?  He is a gold miner, and at first impression you wouldn’t think so.  He is drinking in the Book of Mormon and really comprehends everything intellectually and spiritually.

      Anyhow, I love you guys.  I am still getting a list of things for you to send the zone.  It will be a little easier to identify once transfers happen and we know who will be here for Christmas.

Love you all,
Elder Gold

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