Monday, October 7, 2013

Acting Only As His Instrument

Hey Guys,

      So we are in Durban AGAIN to get our car serviced, but it's cool cause we are near Pinetown (my previous area) and will be able to visit some people from there.  We had a pretty amazing week.  I started off the week by working in a HUGE township called Umlazi.  I was there for two days with one of the zone leaders (the other Zone Leader worked in Margate with Elder Brimhall).  It was a little strange being in a township again.  I didn’t dislike it, in fact I really liked it.  It was great being around the Africans again, however I do like where I’m currently working.  We call it town, and most missionaries’ dread going to an area that is town, but I love it a lot.  It brings a total different field of work with different opportunities and challenges. 

      We have a pretty nice teaching pool right now.  Last week, on Saturday, we went in the evening to a place called Tiago's Flame (a small food joint) just to get a burger.  We were talking with the cashier, and she was pretty interested in us and what we are doing.  In our exchange we invited her to church, and lo and behold, she came the next day.  We thought she lived in a certain area of town, and when we were setting up an appointment to go and teach her at her home Wednesday night, she informed us that she had just moved to another area of town.  When we went to the new address she had provided we were pleasantly surprised to find out it was the same house of another family we are teaching, a family who have already accepted the gospel and have committed to baptism!  What a convenience.  It also turned out that that particular sister is related to a family in the branch.  It’s really cool to see who we are led to and recognize the Lord’s hand in the process.

      So, I have another exciting thing to tell you that happened this past week.  Remember Vaughn and Cecelia?  How could you forget them?  Well, Saturday night a handful of our appointments cancelled, which left us with not many options, so we decided to go check on Vaughn and Cecelia.  We found Vaughn doing a little bit of digging in his yard even though the sun had set.  We talked with him while he dug (he wouldn’t let us dig) until he finished after which we went inside.  Cecelia came out and was happy to see us.  We sat and talked pretty casually and Cecelia began to complain about work.  Elder Brimhall and I both felt to just sit and listen to her.  So as we listened to her talked about her co-workers she shared how she is being victimized being the only white working at her work place.  We shared a few scriptures about challenges and opposition, and that was about it.  There was no huge scene about the Book of Mormon; no fiery comments, just listening and listening (with a comment here or there) while we shared in a smoke with them (they smoke tons, about three cigarettes just while we were there).  Smoking is pretty gross to be around when you are not use to it, but we sat there with no complaints.  At the end of the conversations Elder Brimhall invited them to come to the Fast and Testimony meeting on Sunday, and they agreed.  We were happy to that.

      So, here rolls around Sunday morning, and as we sit in the chapel, Vaughn and Cecelia walk in.  I really didn’t think Cecelia would ever come to church again because of how badly offended she was by a member last month.  Besides, she also said she would never come again.  But, here they were, both with a smile on their face.  They sang the Hymns, took the sacrament, and listened to the testimonies.  The testimonies were all very nice, warm, and full of the spirit.  As the meeting came to a close, the unbelievable happened.  Vaughn stood up, and from the back of the room walked up to the podium.  There he was casually dressed in jeans and a tee, and with the thick stench of tobacco, he began to speak.

      He testified of the love of God in his life, and how much Heavenly Father has watched over him.  He admitted to being chief sinner of just about everyone in the room, and that brought a little chuckle.  He told of when he met us, and these were his words from there... "Normally whenever a Jehovah’s Witness, or a Seventh Day Adventist, or anyone else come to my gate, I chase them away.  I don’t even give them a chance.  But, when these two gentlemen (us) came to my gate, something told me to let them in.  I saw a sparkle in their eyes.  So I let them in, but told them I was busy doing something.  I said they could talk to me as I worked, and they did."  He then said, "I have the Book of Mormon.  I don’t know if it’s true.  I don’t feel its bad, I actually feel good about it.  I just want to know."  He ended his testimony very unorthodox, but the branch loved it.  I was brimming with joy. Right after the sacrament ended, Cecelia asked for a tithing envelope, and gave a donation (an offering or tithing, whatever you want to call it).  After sacrament, they went to the car to go home.  We went and talked with them for a little bit and they were both so, so happy.  They said they really felt the spirit today.  I'll mention that during the last Hymn, "I believe in Christ", Cecelia was crying.

      My trust and faith is in Christ.  He knows them, He loves them, and He knows what they need and when they need it.  I will continue to act only as His instrument.  I feel so good, and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.  I don’t want it to end, but I know that in four months it will.  I will continue to give it all I can till the end.

Love you guys,

Elder Gold

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