Monday, May 13, 2013


Momma & Dadio,
      It was so great to see you all yesterday. That is a sweet ultimatum with Jordan. I still carry your Duty to God. One of the proudest possessions I have (see editor's note below).
      So I was reading in the book of Alma this morning...Alma 17:2.  We mostly remember this scripture for its description of the character of the sons of Mosiah.  But, this morning I saw something much more profound.  It reads in the first few lines "... Alma did rejoice exceedingly to see his brethren; and what added more to his joy, they were still his brethren in the Lord;"
      I recognized that Almas' joy in his brethren "and most likely his love as well" was not found in their righteousness.  I believe we call it unconditional love.  There was no standard to meet to gain his love.  He just had it.  When he learned they were still righteous, his joy increased.
      What a pure heart, full of charity.  It really opened my eyes to see how I ought to be loving someone, whether it is investigators, less actives, or even my family.  Just a nice experience this morning.
Well, I love you all. Stay the course.
      Elder Landon Gold

Editor's Note:
      Twice a year we get to talk with Landon via phone, and when lucky enough we get to communicate through Skype seeing him almost in person.  What a wonderful Mother's Day gift.  The next time we will be able to talk will be at Christmas.  It is so strange to think that shortly after that next conversation he will be coming home.  Two years seems like an eternity when it begins yet, through heaven's sweet mercy, time does not stand still but rather rapidly flies by.
   We were able to meet Landon's latest companion, Elder Tshabane From The Southern part of
South Africa.  They were actually able to show us on a map where his home is and where the actual boundaries of the Durban Mission are.  This time around we Skyped from a laptop that
allowed more freedom to move around and show Landon things at home such as the garden we

are growing and the motorbikes the boys are working on.  The conversations were casual and the tears were much less.  So different from the first time we were able to talk after he had been away only three months.  I love how time dampens emotions and allows life to move forward, especially when that forward direction is about progress.  He really is on the other side of the world yet, he is also right next to us through the wonderful technology.
      Landon had mentioned about the 'Sweet ultimatum with Jordan and reference to Steve's Duty to God medallion that Landon carries with him.  Well, here is the story Steve wrote to Landon:

  I’ve got a Jordan-ism for you today. Yesterday Jordan was kinda hanging around me before he went to work – just kinda hanging out. So I decided to play the Eagle Scout Card – let me explain.
I pulled my Eagle badge out and explained the story that Grandpa Gold had bet me $20 when I was 12 years old that I could not have my eagle by the end of December 1972 (which would make me 13-1/2 years old.  I did some quick math and determined that I could and manage this, and I wanted the money so I took the bet.  December 26, 1972 rolled around and Dad asked me if I had my eagle.  I told him it was earned and would be given to me on Jan 20 when we had the Court of Honor.  He reminded me of the verbiage of the bet – that I had to “have” it by December 31.  January 5th rolled around and he asked me again to show him my eagle.  I could not – so he made me pay $20… So now – 41 years later – the money doesn’t really matter – but what a great story…
I then reminded Jordan of all the great times we had as father and son on all the scout outings we went on. He agreed and came up with quite a few wonderful memories.
 Then I pulled out 2 coins – a silver dollar and a brass coin that had words of how to be successful.  They were the coins that my dad always carried in his pocket which Grandma Gold gave to me at my dad’s funeral. They are very significant because of how I obtained them.  Jordan asked if that silver dollar was the one I stole when I was 8 to buy a dollars worth of candy at the corner store.  I told him it probably was.  Another great story.
Then I picked up my eagle badge once again and told Jordan there were 2 badges that were very precious to me – my Duty to God and this Eagle.  I told him how much it meant to me to be able to give you (Landon) my Duty to God award, and how much it meant to you as well.  I told him that someday he would be the guardian of this eagle badge, and he would be telling his son one of two stories.  Story number 1 goes something like this… “This eagle badge used to be your grandpa's – and when he died, I inherited it.  It means a lot to me because it reminds me of lots of neat experiences we shared camping and doing scout stuff.  Plus I never earned my eagle so it’s nice to have his.”  Story number 2 goes like this: “This eagle badge belonged to your grandpa.  He gave it to me the day I earned my eagle.  I love him a lot and  there’s a lot of cool stories I want to share with you.”
I told him that he gets to choose which version he likes the best. I’m giving him the tools and the motive to complete his eagle – however the motivation has to come from him.

      Isn't it true that 'We are the author's of our life.'  No one will create our personal history but ourselves.  As much as we may wish to credit or blame others for the roads we have journeyed they would not have been traveled if we were not willing to move our feet.  How many options do we have in the course of a day to better or lessen our future?  As I sit here at the computer I know my own life could be improved upon simply by having courage enough for self reflection and then acting on the assessment.  Here is one more tidbit to ponder:


Agency!  A simple game of life.
The right to choose your mark,
It sets the pace and where you’ll go.
It’s your move and time to start.

The spin of a wheel or roll of the dice
Is not how you make your move.
In this game of life called “Agency”
How and where you go – It’s up to you.

Don’t think that cheating will move you ahead
For the Game Master can see it all.
The rule’s are rather simple, you see.
Good or Evil / Right or wrong. . . It’s your call.

The game guide is written to help you play
The way it’s suppose to go,
So you can benefit with happy results.
But it’s up to you to know.

Now if you are loosing, don’t blame the next guy.
It’s not his choices you have made.
You are the one to move the mark.
Only you determined how you have played.

This game will end when your earth life is done,
And the Game Master will give you your prize.
Will happiness be your ultimate reward?
Or will sorrow be you demise?

Come on. Let us play!  It’s a whole lot of fun.
The “Community Chest” is full.
The chance cards are there for the taking.
It’s your move.  It’s your move . . . GO!
                                        A.E.Gold  January 16th, 2000


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