Monday, September 17, 2012

It Was a Tremendous Week.

 Hello Family! 

            Well my week was superb. Moving backwards we had 2 baptisms yesterday!  I know that I have been saying three this whole time but, at the last minute the little girl's family decided it would be better to have her wait until someone from the family could baptize her.  We, as well, feel it was a good decision.  But Kutloano and Bayo were baptized yesterday, and oh how sweet it was :)  The baptismal service ran remarkable well; with the exception of the zoo... I mean daycare that was happening in the other rooms for the little kids.  But the spirit was strong, and so were the feeling, especially for the two candidates. 

While Kutloano was changing I was talking to him.  He couldn’t really put words to the experience, but he managed to say the he feels clean, with sincerity that only a Newborn Child of Christ could have. 

Later that evening we went to Bayo's home.  Remember, she has a husband who is a strong member, as well as a 2-year-old boy.  She is generally shy, but she was sooo excited, and as you looked at her face, and into her eyes, you could see that light in her that Christ promised would shine to all the world as a standard. The Gospel is true.  Just as a reminder, she has been taught for, I think, four years now.  She never could commit to baptism. Sometimes the relationship with the missionaries wasn’t very strong and she had yet to gain her own testimony. 

Well, as we were leaving their home, Tshepo (her Husband) walked us out.  He said, “Congratulations guys!  None of the other missionaries could do it.”  Then with swollen heart and eyes he smiled and said, "I’ve waited so long for this day.  For years I didn’t push her because I didn’t want her to rely on my testimony.  Today when she bore her testimony, I knew it was her own. Thank you."   MAN, it was so tender and powerful!!!  As we continued to talk he outlined excitedly his plans for them to be sealed in the temple.  What more could I have asked for than for this family to go to the temple? Nothing.  When they do go, well, my joy is and will be indescribable. 

Most of the active branch attended the baptism.  We have a strong branch now.  They have and will continue to fellowship these two really well. 
Ok, so that was the baptism. 

This Friday we had not as much time in the area as usual.  Wednesday Elder Fokuo was sick so we stayed home.  Thursday our car broke down in the morning (ya we have a car) and we had to take it to Bloemfontein, 65 k's from our area.  Friday we had interviews in Bloem with President Von Stetten, and then had to do our weekly planning (the time we take every Friday to plan for the coming week, especially about investigators and what they need and are struggling with and what we can do to help them.)   Saturday was normal, and then Sunday was baptisms again.  But it was a tremendous week.  I can’t complain. 

So Jordan, you got a birthday coming up, Eh?  It is INSANE to think your gonna be 17.  You are too old.  Well I have a few things for you, and the family, but I’ll probably send it all out at once sometime in November. 

Also I want to note, that I’ve been reading cover to cover the Book of Mormon while I’ve been her, just to add upon my testimony. I don’t really have words to express what I want to say, but I can say that my testimony has never been more intense or stronger. The Book is True.  As well, because of that my testimony has increased in GLORY of the church and the gospel, of Christ, of Joseph Smith, and everything that accompanies them.  It just all makes sense, and the spirit told me so.
        I love you Guys so, so much. 
The Gospel is true.  Aint nothin more true than that. 

I love you guys.  Stay strong. 

Elder Gold

1 comment:

  1. I have not had a chance to read Landon's news lately and caught up a few messages now. I am very happy for him to get used to the missionary work now. Reactivation of the members are very important part of work as well as getting a new member to be baptized. I am amazed to read a member who fast every 3 days to get some spiritual uplifting. There are so many people that we do not know who are far more spiritual than many of us, regular members of the church attendees on Sunday.
    I also remember the wonderful time I had to visit Samoan ward in Compton area which was considered as one of the dangerous area in Southern California, but I wanted to visit them because of their spiritual attitude, behavior and their punctuality. In addition, I enjoyed their singing as they could easily compete against Mormon Choir in SLC. They were that good and I really like to visit Sunday as often as I can when I had a stake responsibility in Long Beach Stake. That is one of the reason why I enjoy meeting many Samoan, Tongan people at NB Temple as they are so sweet spiritual people who are my mentors as many others are in NB Temple.

    Hope that Landon could visit Temple sometime while he is in S. Africa. Hope that he is not getting any more snow.... I pray for his success in whatever he would like to accomplish with excellent health condition.
    Good wishes, good luck and thank you very much.
    Hiro Ochi
