Wednesday, February 12, 2014

. . . And So, 'It Is Time To Walk On'

The Final Editor's Note:

  Before leaving on his mission, Landon was asked to choose a scripture that would be placed on a plaque to be hung in our church building until his return home. Instead of a scripture he unconventionally chose a quote from President Spencer W. Kimball who happened to be the Prophet during the early years of my entrance into the gospel.  This quote reflects the heart of one who is passionate about his beliefs and willing to stand up for others in declaration of God's Glorious Plan...until his last breath.  I am in awe of those who sacrifice so much for the benefit of others, and I am deeply overjoyed to know that my son has chosen this way. 

 "I wish I had your bodies to do this work.  I would run from house to house
Telling everyone of the gospel, and after I lost strength to run I would begin
to walk, and after I collapsed from walking, I would begin to crawl, and after
my knees were so bloody that I could not use them I would use my arms to
drag myself, and once my muscle in my body was gone I would begin to yell.
Oh, If only you could see the vision I have."
- Spencer W. Kimball            
It is Time to Walk On
One Journey's end is another one beginning.
Though my shoes may be worn,
the path beneath has brought endless Joy
Through those it has eternally connected me to.
It is by those paths crossed that I have been shown a
New way to live.
. . . And so, 'It is time to walk on.'
A.E.Gold - Feb. 2014                                       

Monday, February 10, 2014

Going Where I Need to Go

Hey Guys,
      I still can’t really comprehend that this is my last email to you before I come home.  Everything is a blur.  I’m caught between fantasy and reality, though I might say that, the reality is I’m still on my mission and the fantasy is that home is around the corner.  I absolutely loved dad’s email this week.  I think it ought to go on the blog.

      So, what can I say to wrap up my mission?  I don't think I can really wrap it up. Let me tell you how I feel right now.  I feel very content and at peace.  I feel that what is coming is right and that I’m progressing and going where I need to go.  I have grown a lot over the past two years.  I remember in a blessing I was given that my mission would be the equivalent of a 4-year college education.  Well, I have graduated from the college of personal relationships and people skills.  I feel my capacity and ability to relate, love and get along with others has increased greatly and that the Lord has helped me to be a better companion.

      I gave my final testimony in the Bloemfontein Ward yesterday.  I was wondering before the meeting what on earth could be shared.  I felt deep and thought about how my growth has come by faith and what that means to me.

      I’m going to keep this one short.  My mind is blanking.  I will take more time to myself to write out my feelings about the end of my mission and try to send them next Monday, and maybe that can go in the blog.

I love you guys.  See you soon.

Elder Gold

Editor's Note: 

      Well, as to Landon's request for his dad's letter to be posted on the blog, here it is.  For those of you who don't see it in the first couple paragraphs....this is all sarcasm and Landon will not be staying for another two years in Africa.  Just Saying :-)

My Dear SonShine,

      How does the scripture go… ‘Ask and ye shall receive”? Well, you must have asked real hard  for this – so here goes… I know you didn’t want us to talk of home in this letter – that you wanted to focus on the final week of your mission – but I thought I might share with you what it’s like here now so you can feel blessed that you don’t have to come home for a while…

      We have talked to Pres Zackrison about the current condition of the world on our side of the globe and he agrees that you should spend 2 more years in South Africa. As you may have heard, San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant has melted and the radiation has been quite annoying to say the least. The good news is we are saving a lot of money on shampoo. Mom and I are doing fine (as evidenced by this recent photo of Mom – she still looks Beautiful to me) and Jordan is back on the motorbike – even though there are really no roads to drive on after the solar flare hit… Funny thing – Mom and I are losing a lot of our hair, but Jordan's seems to be more fuzzy.

      The recent typhoon that happened on Ground Hog day made a mess of our backyard – mainly because that’s where the roof is now. Stanley is excited because he thinks his doghouse grew by a factor of 100.

      It’s been quiet here the past few days after the 9.8 magnitude earthquake – mainly because all the neighbors got swallowed up from the massive sink holes that opened up. It’s been a pleasant experience to not have to wake up every morning to Geoffrey Livingston’s 150 decibel exhaust on his bug. On the other hand, it’s hard to tell when morning breaks since the air is filled with thick ash from the eruption of Saddleback Volcano (who knew that was a dormant volcano???…weird.)

      Mom and I are going to Long Beach next Saturday (Feb 15) for Valentine’s Day to see Brian Regan. (The “subject” in this letter is from a new video that we saw.) It’s normally a 40 mile drive – but with the current road conditions after the Atomic Bomb that North Korea dropped on us, and the fact that all the gasoline is being rationed to 1 quart per family per month, I suppose we’ll just go on our bicycles – we plan to start riding early Morning so we can get good seats. Should be fun.

So enjoy your extended stay in South Africa – we are doing fine.

We love you,
Daddio and Mommio

Monday, February 3, 2014

Still Striving To Find

Hey Guys,

      So, what do I say this week?  We definitely did a lot, and are still very busy. On Tuesday and Wednesday we were in Kimberly on exchanges with the four Elders out there.  We had a good time, and were able to help them some.  

      The rest of the week we were proselyting in our area.  We are still striving to find more and more people to teach.  It’s coming along.  Our ward was just assigned a new Ward Mission Leader.  He is a fireball!  I feel that he will be great to help the ward move forward in its missionary efforts.  In church yesterday the bishop announced the goal to split the ward by the end of the year.  The ward was shocked, and I think that is why this Ward Mission Leader is now where he is.  He served as a missionary in the Capetown Mission about five years back so he understands the importance of the work.

      How is the M------ Family??  GREAT!  Ma M------ now has a calling as a visiting teacher and is Super excited about it.  The boys Jarom and Matthew (not their real names) passed the sacrament yesterday, and they passed with such reverence and class.  It was amazing.  Their mother was so, so happy to see her boys exercising their priesthood to serve the ward.  We likewise were very happy.

      My companion and I are doing really well together.  We haven't always seen eye to eye and there have been a few bumps in the road, but it’s all worked out.  Just know that when I come home, I will be a changed person, but not a perfect one.  I might have grown a lot in the last two years, but I still have a lifetime more of growth ahead, and I’m looking forward to it :)

      Next week, please don’t mention anything about me coming home.  To be 100% honest, I don’t feel at all like I’m going, and I don’t want to.  My mind is on my mission right now.  Of course we are having some fun in the process, but I’m not thinking about home.  Today seeing the flight itinerary, release date and temple trip kinda freaked me out.  But I pushed it out for now.  If there is anything you want to ask me about home, ask me after next week's Monday emails.  You could ask from Tuesday on, and I’ll probably see it later in the week before I go to Durban.  Thanks :))

I love you guys a lot.  I'll see you soon.

Elder Gold

Editor's Note:
      With all the adventures and experiences Landon has had on this journey the one thing that shines above many is his obedience to the Lord and and his willingness to act upon those things he knows to be true.  His willingness to serve down to the last step and detail is seen even in the finite of actions.  His tithing is accounted for in his home ward back here in California and in needing to be complete with his accounting he sent his dad this message. 
“Could you please give another dollar to tithing for me?
 A few months back I caught this huge spider, which actually
 wasn’t a spider but a close relative.  I think you remember
 the photos.  Some other elders wanted it so bad they gave
 me 40 rand for it.  I just want to round up to a 
dollar if you could.  Thanks!”