Monday, July 8, 2013

P.S. . . . All Is Well With Me

Hello Family, 
     So, we have been having some great success in finding and teaching less active members these past few weeks.  There are many less active members who are not known by the branch (congregation), so there is no idea of who they are or where they are.   I’ve seen the hand of the Lord over us as we have miraculously found some individuals.  Our security guard is related to one family who no body knows.  Also, we were tracting on Saturday and met a girl in the street whose mother and uncles are also members and she directed us to them.  The Lord does love his children.
      The pelt is currently drying.  I’m sorry that this week my letter’s very short.  Time is just not with me.
      The treatment I am receiving for rabies isn't so bad.  That big ol' needle was straight in the leg.  The rest of my shots are in my arms.  I just go in on the days they tell me, get my shots, and leave.  Here's a photo of the countryside, which pretty much is Margate.  There isn't a far distance to get to the country, just a couple of kilometers.  The green plants are all sugar cane.  They plant sugar cane and bananas year round, and they are everywhere.

Elder Gold

P.S. All is well with me.

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! You, your companion and those you are teaching are in our prayers.
