So, the first thing that comes to my mind is to comment on Elder Carlyle
(Landon’s friend from home who will be finished with his mission this week). I’m so happy for him, I can only
imagine how excited he is, and his family, but please, please don’t tell me
about it :p All I want is one photo of him, maybe a comment or two, but (I’m
laughing right now) I don’t want to hear about him. I’m not scared of getting antsy for home, but I want to
avoid all possible things that might make me think of getting on that plane...
Because I don’t want to get on that plane. We just had another transfer pass, and I am still with Elder
Stengile. We will be together till
the beginning of January. I’m glad
we are still together. He is a
great Elder.
Last week was very up and around.
You know we went to Welkom and Kroonstad, then got back to our area and
worked Thursday and Friday. Then
Saturday we had to participate in the stake youth soccer day (as requested by
the stake). It turned out to be a
lot of fun. We put together a
missionary soccer team and played through the tournament. Meanwhile, the Carliles (The Senior
Couple serving in his area) put up a tent and table with all our pamphlets and
things on it for people to take. I
got probably the worst burn I’ve had in years. Everyone at church on Sunday was
calling me Red Neck. I couldn’t
even button up my shirt it was so painful.
So, you remember Veronica?
She is progressing really well.
She is still faced with challenges, but it is incredible to see how the
spirit is helping her overcome them.
Example; she came to church two weeks back, and afterwards told us she
was expecting more… more feelings, more spiritual impression, etc. We didn’t
really try to resolve it for her right then and there, but when we went to see
her later last week she began to explain again about church and how she had
expected more. We listened to her
and she transitioned to talk about the challenges she faces with her oldest
daughter who was kicked out and is living with her boyfriend and is expecting a
child soon. Just as the dimming of
the lights in a movie theater just before the presentation, but in the opposite
way, light came to her mind and she in puzzled reality expressed the
possibility that perhaps she was too preoccupied at church, thinking about
her daughter, to feel the things she was hoping for, and to receive the answers
she is seeking. BINGO!!! It was wonderful to see the spirit work in her that
way. She also came to the DESIRE
to quite smoking without any persuasion on our part. Again, we had not spoken about it, and she even stated in
our first few visits that she doesn’t think it’s bad and will not give it up. Well, she said she FEELS it offends God
and WANTS to stop. I capitalized
those words because they signify a change in her nature through her learning of
and applying the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What is she doing to allow the Savoir to change her? She is reading the Book of Mormon and
the Bible every night with her youngest daughter, she is praying, coming to
church, and working on repenting of what she has come to realize is wrong. She is learning by faith, and growing
by faith. I have seen growth in
her. From the first day four-weeks
back when she said she has such severe depression she wants to die, to today
when she says, "I just can't lay in bed anymore. Before, I never wanted to get out, but now I’m up and
singing and cooking and doing all these things I’ve never done. I’m happier! Maybe not completely anti-depressed, but I’m getting
there!" ....... How can this Gospel not be true?
SO, I’ve made a decision; For my birthday, my companion and I are going
to go on a convert retention mission for the day in Thaba Nchu. Going to go there and work with all the
converts and less actives that I was there for. I’m excited for it.
Do you remember Elder Roberts?
He was a missionary I was around for almost a year. I probably spoke very Highly of
him. He is the one missionary I
look up to the most out of them all, even though he has been home for 7 months.
He wrote me last week and shared something I have adopted and sealed mine. He
said, “One thing that helped me
greatly, and which I encourage you to do, is say this in your prayers, ‘God, I
am getting close to the end of my time here. I love serving Thee! It fills my heart with such joy! These last few months I want
to give my ALL, holding nothing back! To Help me do this I plead that Thou
wilt prepare things at home for me so that I don't have to waste this precious
time thinking about them know, and help me not to be distracted by anything
till I get off that plane. Help me
serve with ALL my Heart, Might, MIND, and Strength!’”
That prayer has a few adjustments which I include in my pleads to
Heavenly Father, but those are the intentions of my heart. I've got three glorious months ahead of
me. I love this work. I know with all my heart I am in the
thick of the work of salvation for the children of God.
Elder Gold